

Hi everyone. I really really wish I could update properly, but I started university last week! I feel a little awkward asking people I don't know to take photos of my outfits haha, but I do have my sewing machine with me so should be able to do a tutorial soon.

Anyway, Durham is lovely (albeit a little small) and I'm having a pretty good time.

Hope you are all well (:


  1. Waaa! I think I spotted you the other day but I was too shy to come say hi, obvs! Hope you're finding Durham ok! x

  2. Ooh I love your cape tutorial below, deffinately gona be trying it out sometime soon :)

    Hope you had an epic freshers week and uni's going well for you! x

  3. @Kitty: You absolutely should have come and said hello (UNLESS I LOOKED HORRIBLE then thankyou for not haha) so next time, please do!

    @Spencer: Thankyou ! :D I wouldn't say it was epic but it was pretty good haha!

  4. No, not horrible AT ALL. Ok, next time... x

  5. my mister's from stockton - not far away at all :)

  6. You need to get yourself a good tripod!^_^ Hope you're enjoying university!

  7. hey you have a really cool blog i love the diy posts !!! a few days ago i also made one blog hope you can visit it : * http://www.peacelaughfashion.blogspot.com/
