

Hi! I got back from Berlin last night. WHAT AN IMPRESSIVE CITY. I'm so sad that I was only there for a few days so only did really touristy things, especially as it turns out a couple of my old friends were staying there at the same time. I'd only reactivated my Facebook a couple of days earlier so I had no idea. But oh well, I had fun. So so impressed. I can't wait to go back, though it probably won't be for a while.
It was also fun as an opportunity to speak German to people haha. So many awkward moments e.g. trying to order icecream and having no idea how to say 'one in each'. I don't even remember how I ended up explaining what I meant but it was horribly awkward, mainly because the lady made no attempt to hide how annoying I was being haha. And also being yelled at by a security guard for some reason still unknown to me and neither of us could understand each other. I pretty much ran out of the museum haha. I still don't know what was going on.
Also, also, also, I had my first non-crap bubble tea in 2 years there. And I had WURST. YES. But anyway, here are some of my photos.

Apparently you have to book four days in advance to get in?


  1. I love Berlin as well but hamburg is even lovelier :)

  2. Hey...I was there at the same time!! I returned Monday. I also blogged about it ;) Isn't it THE best city? I am sure you will like Brugge and Amsterdam as well, but having lived in Amsterdam and visited Brugge, let me tell you that Berlin rocks the most I think. And didn't we have the best weather ever? It is raining now in the Netherlands...lots....and cold. Be prepared for that.

  3. Im from Germany, living in San Dieog now ... I havnt been back there in over a year. People always tell me how pretty it is. I sometimes forget. But your pictures definitly dont lie! Beautiful

  4. @ Kimminita: what a coincidence! I wonder if we ever passed each other haha. The weather was so perfect, especially in the evenings. Haha I will try to bring my umbrella D:

  5. ah! i'm so jealous you get to travel so much! if i only i lived in europe--which will hopefully be within the next four years and i will get to visit you!

    a few years ago i visited munich in germany and salzburg in austria! i loveeddd it. if you haven't already, you should visit austria one day; i think you'd like it a lot! it's my favorite place in europe--although i did love london too... i love the heart in that garden from the last photo! looks like you guys visited some fun spots :] oh and in germany, the taxi driver got scolded by the police for parking poorly or something and it was super scary. haha, cool story, i know. :P

    hope your summer's great!
