
Valentine's Day's a-comin'

Valentines film by fellow Durhamite Indietrix. SEND TO YOUR LOVED ONES :’)

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  1. hey there!
    wanted to let you know i sent you a postcard ;) hopefully you knew it was from me, not a random creep. hrm... yeah.
    and my addy, if you ever have time to spare to say hello from across the pond:
    [fb name]
    79 washington square e. 514 A
    new york, ny 10003

    :) thanks for very lovely v-day video. haha. i'll def share it to my friends on vday! :P

    1. Hooray! I just got it (: I LOVE THE STAMPS haha. Thanks so much, I shall send you a Durham-y one in return this week hoho
